shoe n. (pl. shoes, 〔古语〕 shoon) 1.鞋〔一般指鞋帮不到踝骨的鞋子;过踝骨的靴子叫 boots; 在美国也叫鞋子为 low shoes, 叫靴子为 shoes〕。 2.鞋形物。 3.蹄铁。 4.(汽车的)轮胎,外胎。 5.(汽车轮的)制动器,煞车。 6.【机械工程】闸瓦。 7.(手杖等的)金属箍。 8.(中国从前的)马蹄银(等)。 9.【建筑】桩靴。 10.【电学】端;靴;管头;触屐。 11.【航空】尾撑;【火箭】导向板;发射导轨。 12.〔pl.〕所处的地位[境遇]。 a pair of shoes 一双鞋子。 high shoes 长统[高帮]鞋。 The shoe is on the other foot. 责任在别人身上;情况完全相反了,现在不是这样了。 another pair of shoes 另一回事;另一个问题。 cast aside like an old shoe 弃若蔽屣。 die in one's shoes 横死;惨死;(尤指)被绞死。 fill sb.'s shoes 接替某人;步某人后尘。 in another's shoes 处于别人的地位。 in one's shoes 穿着鞋子。 know [feel] where the shoe pinches (由经验)知道困难[症结]之所在。 lick sb.'s shoes 巴结某人。 look after [wait for] dead men's shoes 窥伺[等待]遗产。 over shoes over boots 一不作,二不休。 over [up to] the shoes 深深钻进去;深深陷入。 put the shoe on the right foot 责备应该责备的人;责备得当。 shake in one's shoes 发抖;害怕;颤栗。 shoe of the launcher 发射导轨;起动导轨。 stand in sb.'s shoes 代替[取得]某人职位,处于某人位置[境遇]。 The shoe is on the other foot. 情况安全不同了。 where the shoe pinches 症结所在,困难所在,痛苦之处。 vt. (shod ,shoed shod, shoed,shodden ) 给…穿鞋;给(马)钉蹄铁;给…装上鞋状物;装金属片包覆。 neatly shod feet 穿着像样的鞋子的脚。 shoe a horse 给马钉蹄铁。 a staff shod with iron 端部包上铁皮的棍子。
at work (人)在工作;忙于; 从事于,致力于; 忙于工作; 上班; 在干活,在工作;在起作用,在运转; 在工作, 在运转; 在工作,忙于; 在工作中,忙于
For boots shoes , work shoes , leisure shoes , foam rubber sole pads , babies shoes and high quality leather shoes 用于马鞋、运动鞋、工作鞋、休?鞋、海绵鞋、婴儿鞋、高级皮革鞋类缝制。
I picked up his dirty clothes , put away his work shoes , carried out his popcorn bowl from the previous night ' s football viewing , washed the breakfast dishes , wiped the coffee he ' d spilled and ironed his shirts 我捡起他在脏衣服,将他工作时穿的鞋子放到一边,拿走前一天晚上他看橄榄球时放在旁边放爆米花的碗,洗早餐的盘子,擦去他溅出的咖啡,熨他的衬衣。
Lying in shuanggou , jinjiang ? ? china shoe capital , and with high qualified management and designer 400 , employees 200 , computerized sample shoe developing equipments , 5 international advanced shoemaking lines , wenkewang shoes industrial co . , ltd is a specialized manufacturer of sports shoes , casual shoes , work shoes of various types , annual output over 3 million pairs , which are sold over 30 countries and districts in asia , europe and america 温克王鞋业有限公司位于鞋都晋江双沟,公司拥有高素质的管理人员及专业的鞋样设计队伍400多名,员工2000名,拥有全电脑化的鞋样开发设备, 5条国际先进制鞋流水线,年产超过300万双运动鞋、休闲鞋、工作鞋等各类鞋产品,远销亚、欧、美30多个国家和地区。
This company specialized production each funds guards against the static electricity work shoes , purifies the shoes , clean shoes 、 the work clothes , clean the clothes , the necessary product has the pad , the hand ring - like scallop , clean the paper , clean finger set , the glove , the turnover box , the handcart and so on each kind guards against the static electricity series product 本公司专业生产各款防静电工作鞋、净化鞋、无尘套鞋、工作服、无尘衣、配套产品有台垫、手环带、无尘纸、无尘指套、手套、周转箱、手推车等各种防静电系列产品。